Duly Noted

Hey there! We're Duly Noted, and welcome to our webpage! We are a hardworking group, and we gig frequently around the Amherst and Boston areas (as well as a few occasional travel gigs). Our music is also all arranged by members of the group. This past year, due to COVID, instead of putting on our usual fall and spring concerts live, we produced three virtual concerts of our most recent songs, recorded, vocally mixed, and video edited all by our current members! All of these can be found on our YouTube page, and the most recent one is linked below. We currently have a single out on Spotify, and more recordings in the works. ;) 

Check us out on YouTube for videos of us from past concerts, as well as on Instagram and Facebook for more fun content made by us!

Audition Information

We are an all-gender a cappella group, which means everyone is welcome to audition! We are a high commitment group as we rehearse 6 hours a week and gig often (pre-COVID we averaged about 1 gig/week) although all scheduling decisions are made with all members so that we can find rehearsal times and only commit to gigs that work the best for everyone.

We are holding in-person auditions this semester, and if you like to sing or beatbox we'd love to meet you!!  

Our audition schedule is as follows

  • Thursday, 9/8 from 6-9 pm  
  • Friday, 9/9 from 6-9 pm
  • Saturday, 9/10 from 10 am-1 pm AND 2-5 pm

*If you receive an invitation to callbacks, those will be Sunday, September 11th (please try to keep this whole day free if you can - none of the groups are scheduling callback times until Saturday night so that we can make a schedule that is sensitive to auditionees that get more than one callback :))

Our auditions will be held on the first floor of Herter Hall. We'll have one of our members outside of our room to answer questions, have you sign up on our sign up sheet, and help you fill out an info form that you'll need to bring into the audition room with you. 

Your audition will be roughly 10 minutes (max). Please be ready to sing a verse and chorus of a song that shows off your voice (preferably no musical theater as the style isn't as applicable to what we perform). We'll also lead you through some scales and pitch matching exercises to get a better sense of your voice. After auditions are over, we'll email you to let you know if you've received a callback!

If you have any questions about Duly, or about a cappella auditions in general, please feel free to message us on Facebook or Instagram, or email us at dulynotedumass@gmail.com. Hope to hear you soon! :)